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What is an IPL Photofacial?

We use a unique Palomar Icon® System, which combines the powers of Intense Pulsed Light and a Fractional Laser. The device sends out different light wavelengths to treat multiple skin concerns at once. It has a built-in melanin reader, which instantly determines the right laser intensity for your skin. Together, these two forms of light create a powerful combination that reduces the appearance of scarring, fights hyperpigmentation, and smooths out any uneven texture.


What can you expect from the procedure?

The procedure can last from 10 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the area being treated and the intensity of the client's skin concerns. The Icon® System contains a cooling system, which reduces any painful sensations, however, some clients may feel a slight tingling sensation.

You can expect to see some redness and feel some sensitivity immediately after the procedure, but those symptoms subside within a few hours.

If you are currently using any topical prescription treatments, such as strong retinoids or acne medication, we recommend you pause their use for 1-2 weeks before the procedure to reduce the risk of sensitivity and irritation.

We recommend letting your skin recover for at least 3 weeks before booking a follow-up appointment.


Who can benefit from IPL Photofacials?

This treatment is suitable for all skin tones and all skin types. It is perfect for clients who are looking to achieve glowy and healthy-looking skin, reduce the appearance of pores, reduce sun damage, and address small scars, without having to use fillers. This procedure can also be beneficial for people struggling with acne and rosacea.

However, we do not recommend booking this procedure if you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding.



  • Avoid touching or rubbing the area for at least 6 hours to avoid irritation
  • Light therapy makes your skin very vulnerable to sun damage, so we recommend applying full-spectrum SPF daily
  • Try to limit the use of harsh treatments, such as acids and retinoids for 1-2 weeks


Find more information about the Palomar Icon® System HERE


For more information call us at 985.893.1035 or click below to book an appointment

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